Ayurveda, the ancient Indian treatment is well known as one of the major systems of alternative medicine. The treatment is based on usage of indigenous herbs. In the recent while, the interest in Ayurevda has been on a rise. In the past, it was considered as being truly undeserving to be called as a medicinal system, due to lack of lab trials. But, times have changed and now is taken more seriously with various researches on ayurvedic herbs that are used as medicines being conducted.
Recognised by World Health Organisation, Ayurveda is certified by the Government of India as well. The holistic healing approach that it follows is more than just mind-body sync, it aims at achieving overall good health inclusive of emotional and spiritual aspects as well. Unlike other medicinal systems which rely on medicines, Ayurveda treatment takes a slight different turn. The treatment combines herbs, yoga, exercises and dietary changes to treat disease on a holistic base.
Though mainly considered as totally harmless, Ayurveda does has its share of side effects. Alike everything which in excess causes harm, ayurvedic herbs if exceeded more than recommended can do harm. Consider the case of Garlic bulb. When consumed in excess amount, garlic is observed to cause post- operation bleeding. If consumed on empty stomach, the side effects include vomit and chest burn. Odour problem is another issue with excess garlic consumption. Another in the list is licorice root. Far too consumption can result into swelling of hand and feet due to water accumulation. Use of excess licorice should be avoided specially in cases of high blood pressure.
Obesity is a major trouble for masses around the globe. Modern day health care systems still have not been of much use to many and is slowly being replaced by Ayurveda for cure. The major thing working in favour of ayurvedic healing are the effective results. Practitioners offer treatment based on the assessment of different body types. Importance is given to achieve overall health, which often is neglected in conventional treatment for troubling obesity. The Ayurveda treatment may vary from each person, yet, the basic objective is overall healing.
Ayurveda massages are known to facilitate blood circulation, which helps in fresh and regular supply to tissues functioning in the body. Massages cure the problems of insomnia, high and low blood pressure, ulcers, disorders of urinary bladder and kidney. Ayurveda massage therapy is mainly known for the rejuvenating spirit it incites.